Are You a Disciple

Week 3 | Disciples Love Others

Jan 21, 2024

Big Idea

Disciples of Jesus are identified by their love for one another.


John 13:31-35, 1 John 4:7-21, and John 17:20-23


During our current 4-week series, we will challenge one another to ask ourselves, “Am I a disciple? Are the qualities that Jesus says mark a disciple evident in my life?” We pray that you’ll be both inspired and equipped to live as a disciple of Jesus in 2024.

Opening Question

Has anyone tried the new YOU+ Devotional? If so, please share any highlights. If not, consider using part of your group time to get started at

Bible Discussion

  1. Read John 13:31-35. How does the context of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet in the preceding verses contribute to the understanding of the love he commands them to exhibit?
  2. According to 1 John 4:7-21, how should fellow Christ-followers love one another? Why is this significant? What or who can help us love in this way in verses 13 and 14?
  3. Read John 17:20-23. How does it make you feel that Jesus prayed for you and for unity in his church? How does the concept of unity in these verses relate to our mission of helping people find their way back to God here at COMMUNITY?

Life Application

  1. There are different degrees of love. To illustrate, share two types of love you have, one deeper and one more surface, such as love for a child and love for your favorite dessert.
  2. Have you experienced the love Jesus shows when he washes his disciples’ feet? If so, share how that made you feel. If not, share with your group one way you would like to be loved in this way.
  3. Consider how you could help unify God’s church this week. Discuss any ideas together.
  4. We are on week 3 of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. How has the experience been for you so far? Has God opened your eyes to anything new or significant?