
Week 1 – Awaken to People

Jan 3-9, 2021

Big Idea

“Lord, help us to recognize the people you’ve put in our path and respond to them as you responded to us.”


Luke 10:25-37

Ice Breaker & Opening Thought

  1. What goals have you recently set for yourself? How are you doing on them so far?
  2. For the last few years, we have started the beginning of the year with 21 days of prayer and fasting. It’s one way in which we can enter into the year fully alive and awake to God. Have you participated in any of these or something like it? If so, what was your experience? What might you hope to experience this year?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Luke 10:25-37. What does this story tell us about recognizing the people in our path who might need our help?
  2. The obvious religious heroes in Jesus’ day aren’t the hero in Jesus’ story. Why is that significant here? What might Jesus be saying to us as a result?
  3. Jewish people despised and looked down on Samaritans as religious half-breeds and unfaithful to God. If we retold this story with modern characters, what surprising person might play the Samaritan role?

Life Application

  1. Put yourself in the shoes of the different characters in the story. How do you identify with each (the Samaritan, the priest, and Levite, or the man who was robbed)?
  2. What can we do this year to make sure we are on the right side of the road to help those in need?
  3. We start this year with 21 days of prayer and fasting. What has been your experience with fasting? What kind of impact has it made in your life?


Look at the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting resource together at This church-wide effort is an opportunity to draw close to God and become more awake to the people and purposes God has for us in this new year. The church-wide prayer and fast begins on January 11 and ends on January 31. Let’s take a moment and look at the details of this time at and commit to doing this together while encouraging each other along the way.