Big Idea Series – Breakthrough

Week 1 – Breakthrough in Prayer

Oct 20 – 26, 2019

Message Big Idea

Breakthrough begins with the partnership between a praying people and a powerful Holy Spirit.


Read Acts 2:42-47


When you hear the word breakthrough, what comes to your mind?

Opening Thought

Community Music has written a popular song called “When Heaven Breaks Through,” (LINK) This song is all about how the joy of God breaks into our lives, overwhelming all that’s untrue, broken, and rooted in fear. We all long for a breakthrough in our relationships, our community, church, city, and our world. In this next season at COMMUNITY, we are asking everyone to pray for a breakthrough in all of these areas.

  1. As we think about Breakthrough, what is one area where you’ve seen God at work in your life or the life of someone else this year?
  2. Read Acts 2:42-47. What sort of breakthroughs do you see the church in Acts 2 experiencing?
  3. Which of the descriptions listed in Acts 2 do you long to see most in our church?

Video Prep

For the next three years, we will be praying for marriages to be restored, for addictions to be broken, and for lives to be transformed. We will be calling our whole church to pray and fast and be more open to the Holy Spirit. We believe that when people pray, God breaks through. We are also praying for a breakthrough in generosity, and we’ve got a short video from Dave and Jon Ferguson about this portion of the Breakthrough initiative.

Watch the Breakthrough Video

Click here to watch the video and then answer the following questions.

  1. What is your initial response?
  2. What excites you most about these next three years?
  3. What is most challenging for you?

Prayer Time

  1. Praise God for who he is.
  2. Give thanks for your relationship with God.
  3. Give thanks to God for how he has used COMMUNITY over the last 30 years and for continuing to use us to help people find their way back to him.
  4. Pray for God to break through in your life or in the life of someone you know.
  5. Pray for Commitment Sunday, November 17, 2019, and your participation in it.
  6. Pray that our church would be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit during this week of prayer and for the next three years.


First, please continue to pray for breakthrough in your individual lives, our small group, and our church. Pray that as we open ourselves up to the Spirit’s leading in our lives, we would see a breakthrough. Second, join us every day for the Turn the Page Bible Experience through the Book of Acts. (LINK) For the next six weeks on Monday – Friday, that resource will be available for our whole church. Finally, on Wednesday, October 30, 2019, you are invited to join the COMMUNITY staff and Prayer Teams for a day of fasting as we ask God for a breakthrough.