
Week 2 | Racial Reconciliation

August 1 – 6, 2021


Ephesians 2:14-22

Bible Discussion

  1. Since we all have different comfort levels around controversial topics, let’s look at COMMUNITY’s Rules of Engagement for having conversations on challenging issues before watching today’s video. What do you think of these rules of engagement?
  2. Watch the video interview with Dave Ferguson and Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil at
  3. What stuck out to you about this video interview? What did you like? What didn’t you like?
  4. Read Ephesians 2:14-22 in multiple translations. Include the Message translation in your reading. What important themes do you see in these passages?
  5. Brenda mentioned that it’s essential to talk about racial reconciliation by starting with the Scripture instead of the history of race relations in America. What would be the reasons to start the discussion there?
  6. Dave and Brenda mentioned that telling the truth about what has happened can set us free even if we haven’t personally done anything wrong. In what way have you experienced freedom by acknowledging the truth?
  7. In the book “Roadmap to Reconciliation,” Brenda talks about racial reconciliation as a journey. How would you describe your journey of understanding and action?
  8. What next step would you like to take? Are you just beginning a journey down this road? Perhaps you’ve been on it for a long time, and you’re feeling tired. How can this group encourage one another to keep moving forward?


“Roadmap to Reconciliation 2.0” by Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil and look for a small group discussion in September 2021.
• Ask your Community Pastor about a “Living Undivided” Small Group. See more at
• To learn more about Justice Deposits visit

COMMUNITY’s Rules of Engagement

  1. Listen Well. We don’t listen in anticipation of our turn to talk. We listen to understand. We are also not listening to place blame on a group of people when there is disagreement. When we listen to understand, we absorb and diffuse negative emotions.
  2. Ask Anything. What if your first response to someone’s challenging statement was a question and not a rebuttal. By asking questions and seeking to understand how people have arrived at their opinions and perspectives, we create a safe place where people can belong and be known. Listening is one of the most practical ways we love people.
  3. Disagree Freely. We have to help people become more comfortable with disagreement. This is like a muscle – a community muscle that needs to grow and develop, and it grows stronger as we come together and get more comfortable living in a diverse community.
  4. Love Anyway. Loving well doesn’t mean we will all agree or that we should expect uniformity. It does mean giving space and freedom to others to be who they are and where they are on their spiritual journey. As a leader, you are helping people to grow and take steps they wouldn’t have taken on their own, so we want to love people right where they are in their journey by challenging them and supporting them.