Digest | May 20 – May 26, 2018

Series Big Idea

The Bible is God’s Word given to us for daily nourishment. In this series, we will challenge one another to grow in our relationship with God by feeding ourselves with His Word every day.

Message Big Idea

When God’s Word becomes part of you, it gives you the wisdom and power to overcome.


Matthew 4:1-11

Ice Breaker & Opening Thought

  1. What is your favorite dessert?
  2. As God’s Word becomes a part of us, we gain wisdom and power to overcome temptation. What do you think it means to have God’s Word become a part of us?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 4:1-11. What stands out to you? What details do you notice about this exchange between Jesus and Satan?
  2. What do you think about the way Jesus and Satan are quoting Scripture?

Life Application

  1. In Matthew 4:6, Satan uses Scripture to tempt Jesus. Scripture can be used to deceive or manipulate others. How can you avoid being misled or twisting Scripture to your own ends?
  2. As Scripture becomes a part of us, we have the wisdom and power to overcome sin. Memorizing Scripture can help. What Scriptures might be useful for that purpose?
  3. As this series finishes, what new things have you learned, and what new practices will/have you adopted?


As we strive to spend more time reading and memorizing God’s word, let’s remember that the goal is not just more knowledge about God, but to connect with the God of the Bible revealed in Jesus Christ. Let’s continue to encourage one another to read Scripture together and pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth. Challenge the group to take the next 30 days to read and reflect on Psalms 119 or any other passage of their choosing. Encourage people to use the Read Scripture App and to read the book of James together.