The Power of Habits

August 11, 2024

Big Idea

Adopting a set of shared habits around ordinary moments of our day can help us stay connected to God and grow as a follower of Jesus.


John 15:1-8 and Deuteronomy 6:4-9


In this new five-week series, we will focus on four key areas to establish habits for ourselves and the people in our lives so that we can grow as disciples of Jesus.

Opening Questions

What’s the quirkiest habit you have that always makes people laugh when they notice it? Do you remember how it started?

Bible Discussion

1. John 15:1-8 discusses the metaphor that Jesus is the true vine and Christ-followers are the branches. How do the roles of the vine, the branches, and the gardener interact? What is the significance of God being described as the gardener? How does the gardener care for the branches, according to this passage?

2. What kind of fruit is Jesus referring to in John 15:1-8? How does bearing fruit relate to our relationship with Jesus and others? What happens to the branches that do not remain on the vine? Why is it important for us to remain connected to Jesus?

3. Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. What does it mean to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength? How can we express this kind of love in our daily lives?

4. What is Deuteronomy 6:6-9 instructing us to do? How can we incorporate discussion about God and His commandments into our everyday routines? What are some habits that help keep God’s Word at the forefront of our lives?

Life Application

5. “Life isn’t shaped by hopes but by habits.” This was the opening quote from Sunday’s message. Share your perspective on this statement.

6. We all have habits, both good and bad. What are some of your healthy habits? How do you stay motivated to stick with these? Are there any habits you’re trying to break? How are you approaching it?

7. How do you stay connected to Jesus? Share an example of a specific habit that has had a noticeable effect on your connection to Jesus.

8. Reflect on your current practices in studying, sharing, and remembering God’s Word. What change can you make to align more closely with the instructions given in Deuteronomy 6:4-9? End your group time in prayer, asking God to help you make this a new habit in your life.