
August 18, 2024

Big Idea

Waking habits can help us start each day grounded in our connection with God.


Psalm 5:3, Psalm 119:147, Psalm 59:16, Mark 1:35-37, and Ephesians 5:14-16


In our current series, we will focus on four key areas to establish habits for ourselves and the people in our lives so that we can grow as disciples of Jesus.

Opening Questions

Are you a morning person or more of a night owl? Have you ever had to change from being a morning person to a night owl or vice versa? How did you manage it?

Bible Discussion

1. Psalm 5:3 and Psalm 119:147 speak to spending time in God’s presence in the morning. How does beginning the day with prayer influence your outlook and actions throughout the day? Can you imagine a world where every person would do this? What would change? Would anything stay the same?

2. Read Psalm 59:16. How might expressing gratitude and praise to God in the morning affect your spiritual and emotional well-being? What does it mean to you personally that God is your fortress and refuge?

3. Read Mark 1:35-37. How can we find our own “solitary place” in today’s busy world to connect with God? What might be the significance of Jesus praying alone even though people were looking for him and needed his attention?

4. How does Ephesians 5:14-16 inspire you to create a waking habit to connect with God? How can we make the most of every opportunity, as advised in verse 16? Do the “days of evil” resonate with you today? If so, how does this influence your perspective and behavior?

Life Application

5. What’s your morning routine like? (No judgment here!) How could you change it to incorporate worship and prayer, even for just 5 or 10 minutes?

6. Share an experience where taking time for prayer and solitude significantly impacted your day or your life.

7. What role does music or singing play in your personal worship? If you haven’t done this, try listening to a favorite worship song and lifting your hands up in praise in your living room (not your car!) It’s amazing how worship and prayer can change the atmosphere in your home!

8. How do you balance the demands of daily life with the need for personal time with God? Ask God for new insight to make time with Him your top priority.