
August 25, 2024

Big Idea

Mealtime habits are the center of our relationships, which we can use to deepen belonging and intentionally bless others.


Matthew 9:10-13, Matthew 26:17-19 & 26-29, John 21:1-14, and 1 Peter 4:8-9


In our current series, we will focus on four key areas to establish habits for ourselves and the people in our lives so that we can grow as disciples of Jesus.

Opening Questions

What’s the most memorable meal you’ve ever eaten? What made it so special?

Bible Discussion

1. Read Matthew 9:10-13. What does this passage reveal about Jesus and how he viewed mealtimes? Why do you think the Pharisees were troubled by Jesus eating with tax collectors? How does Jesus’ response challenge and inspire you? What do you think Jesus meant when he quoted Hosea 6:6, saying, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”?

2. Matthew 26:26-29 is the ultimate example of mealtime importance. The Last Supper, as it’s often referred to, ushered in the New Covenant. What is the New Covenant, and how does it differ from the Old Covenant? Read also Matthew 26:17-19. What is the significance of Jesus doing this during the Jewish Passover?

3. Read John 21:1-14. What stands out to you in this remarkable account? How does the meal reinforce the bond between Jesus and his disciples after his resurrection, and what does it signify about their ongoing mission and relationship?

4. How does the call to love deeply in 1 Peter 4:8-9 relate to the concept of “covering over a multitude of sins”? How might this influence the way you address conflicts with others? How does practicing “hospitality” differ from entertaining?

Life Application

5. How have you viewed mealtimes in the past? Does this discussion change that perspective in any way? If so, how?

6. Share a time when you forged a new friendship over a meal. What specific elements of the meal or conversation helped deepen your connection?

7. Mealtimes also give us a sense of belonging, as shown with Jesus and his disciples around the campfire in John 21:9. How have you found this to be true in your life?

8. Have you been able to utilize the BLESS strategy with anyone recently? (B-begin with prayer, L-listen, E-eat, S-serve, and S-share your story) If so, how did the E-eat contribute to the process? If not, pray for God to put someone on your heart to BLESS in this way.