
September 8, 2024

Big Idea

Bedtime habits can help us end the day in a way that promotes rest, reflection, and connection.


Psalm 4:8, Matthew 11:28-30, and Psalm 139:23-24

Overview In our current series, we will focus on four key areas to establish habits for ourselves and the people in our lives so that we can grow as disciples of Jesus.

Opening Questions

How many hours of sleep do you get on average per night? How satisfied are you with the amount of sleep you are getting? What’s the one thing you must do before bed, no matter how tired you are?

Bible Discussion

1. Read Psalm 4:8. What does this verse suggest about the relationship between God’s protection and our ability to sleep? What role does trust play in finding peace and rest?

2. Matthew 11:28-30 is a beautiful passage that highlights Jesus’ compassion for us. How does its yoke metaphor reflect this? Does this invitation address both physical and spiritual burdens? If so, how?

3. Psalm 139:23-24 can be turned into a prayer at bedtime. How could prayer aid in sleep? How do you interpret the phrase “anxious thoughts”? Why is it important for God to know them?

4. What other scriptures could you use as a prayer? Have each group member select a passage, then read and pray through them together.

Life Application

5. What does your current bedtime routine look like? Are there any changes you’d like to make to improve your sleep quality and overall relaxation? If you’re willing, ask your group to hold you accountable for this change and check in next week to see how things went.

6. If you have a family at home, making sure your kids feel seen and loved by you and by God before they close their eyes can help them experience the night in a restful way. What’s one way you could connect with your kids before bedtime? If you already have something that works, share it with your group.

7. How can you practically apply Jesus’ invitation in Matthew 11:28-30 to find rest in him in your daily life, particularly in managing stress and burdens? What specific actions can you take to embrace his “easy yoke” and “light burden” in your routine? End in prayer, asking for his help in doing this.