Intentional Giver | May 28 – June 3, 2017

Series Big Idea

Here is a place of financial stress and anxiety. There is a place of financial peace and freedom. If we hope to get from here to there, we will take the next step in our generosity journey.

Message Big Idea

If we hope to get from here to there, we will take the next step and become an intentional giver.


Malachi 3:6-12, Matthew 19:16-24, and Ecclesiastes 5:8-20

Ice Breaker

What’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever received from someone? Or, what’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever given someone?

Opening Thought

Talking about finances is never easy and can be scary to do in front of other people, how did your family handle talking about money when you were a child? Was it something you learned from your parents or are you self-taught?

Bible Discussion

1. Read Malachi 3:6-12, Matthew 19:16-24, and Ecclesiastes 5:8-20 what stood out to you? What struck you?
2. Compare these three passages of scripture, what challenges you here about giving?

Life Application

3. What do you think about when you hear ‘tithing’?
4. Have you ever known someone who tithed consistently? What was their experience like?
5. Share a time that you were generous. What did that feel like?
6. What tensions are you feeling when it comes to money and giving? What are you doing to resolve them?
7. Of the three challenges this week:
– Commit to Intentional Giving – give 10% for 10 weeks,
– Commit to Recurring Giving- setting up an online, recurring gift, or
– Commit to Starting Today,
Which one is the most challenging? Which one will stretch you in your generosity journey?


Spend some time this week going over your budget. It might help to make a pie chart for the different areas of your life, fixed expenses (housing/transportation/utilities/bills), fluid expenses (eating out/entertainment/vacations), and generosity. Sometimes just the act of writing it down can help make the whole thing less mysterious and terrifying. Even if your generosity is consistent, it can still help to take a look at your finances monthly to see how you’re doing. It might be that last month your fixed expenses were less or more and that you have to adjust some, but take some time to commit to checking in and seeing how you’re doing.