Her Story – Women & The Bible

Week 3 | The Church Needs “Junia’s”

May 26, 2024

Big Idea

The church needs “Junia’s”, women who will be fearless trailblazers who further the mission of Jesus.


Romans 16:7, Luke 10:1-3, 1 Corinthians 12:27, and Galatians 3:26-28


In our current series, we’ll tell the stories of women in the Bible to inspire and encourage all of us to follow their example.

Opening Question

  • As we celebrate Memorial Day this week, let’s pause to pay tribute to those who bravely served our country and have since passed away. Share any fond memories of those you knew.

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Romans 16:7. This is the only mention of Junia, but it says a lot. Who is Junia, and what significance does she hold in the context of this passage?

  2. Junia and Andronicus were possibly among the apostles mentioned in Luke 10:1-3. How does this potential connection between Romans 16:7 and Luke 10:1-3 shape our understanding of the early church and women’s roles?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 12:27. What do you think Paul meant by describing the Corinthian community as “the body of Christ”? How does the metaphor of the body help us understand the interconnectedness and interdependence of members within our church community?

  4. Galatians 3:26-28 gives us a powerful picture of unity among Christ-followers. What stands out to you the most in this passage and why?

Life Application

  1. Who are the people who have mentored you in your spiritual journey? Just as Paul commended Junia, would you take a minute of group time to text a quick note of gratitude to that person(s)?

  2. Do you know of anyone who has been limited or held back due to their gender? If so, share their story and how they possibly overcame this. How has their story impacted you?

  3. What is your role in the “body of Christ”? If you’re unsure how God has gifted you, a great place to discover this is having a You+ conversation. You can even do this during your group time together!