Week 2 – The Practices of Trust | Mar 10 – 17, 2019

Message Big Idea

While we are to trust God to provide for our needs, we honor God by having a plan for the money he entrusts to us.


Matthew 6:21, Luke 14:28

Ice Breaker

What is the first thing you remember buying with your own money? How did it make you feel when you bought it?

Opening Thought

Jesus talks a lot about money and tells us to examine where our treasure is to determine what we value the most. He also asks us to consider who and what are we investing in – ourselves, material possessions, or in purposes. Do those purposes honor God? What is our plan for the treasure God has given to us?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 6:19-21. What do you notice? What is the warning in this passage?
  2. Read Luke 14:25-34. What stands out most to you? Where do you feel challenged?
  3. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-9. What is God’s message to us about giving here?

Life Application

  1. How often do you assess your financial health? How often do you think you should?
  2. In what ways does debt enslave us?
  3. What would be the hardest part of a “Give, Save, Live” plan for you and your family? WhyGod promises to provide what we need. Do you have a story in which God provided in a time of need? Share with the group.


If you spend time with toddlers, you realize quickly that “mine” is one of their most frequently used words. Sometimes even as an adult, we can carry that attitude about our money and material possessions though everything we have comes from God. While it is not ours, it is our responsibility to be good stewards of what is given to us. This week have a plan for your giving, saving, and living and see if approaching your finances with a Christ-centered purpose makes it easier to adhere to the plan.

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