Growing Our Faith | Feb 25 – Mar 3, 2018
Series Big Idea
Through the posture and practice of prayer, we can experience God’s mountain-moving power.
Message Big Idea
Faith is trusting the Mountain Mover.
Icebreaker and Opening Thought
- What is the one movie that you can quote the most? How much of it can you quote?
- The big idea tonight is that faith is trusting God, who is a mountain moving God. When you hear the word trust, what comes to your mind?
Bible Discussion
- Read Mark 9:14-29. Look at the actions, reactions, and statements of the people in the story. What do you think they might have been thinking and feeling?
- In Mark chapter 6, Jesus had already given his disciples the authority to cast out demons, yet they are having trouble here. What might this say to us about the challenge of following Jesus?
Life Application
- The prayer of the father has been a comfort to many (I do believe; help my unbelief.) How does his prayer and decision to bring his son to Jesus inform our understanding of the nature of trusting Jesus?
- As our 21 days of prayer and fasting come to an end, what have you learned? How have you been stretched and challenged?
- As you look to the future, what can you do to deepen your faith in God?
In a growing relationship with Jesus, we continue to ask God to move mountains so he can deepen our faith so that we can learn to trust him. As you talk about the ways you’ve been stretched and challenged, and how you think you can deepen your faith in God, break up into groups of 2-4 and spend time praying for one another so you might put more faith in our mountain moving God.