
September 22, 2024

Big Idea

To prepare the way for King Jesus, we must repent by turning away from the idols of our hearts.


Matthew 3:1-6, Romans 2:4, 2 Corinthians 7:9-10, Exodus 34:12-14, and James 5:16


In our current series, we are preparing as individuals and as a church for a new and greater work that
God wants to do in us and through us.

Opening Question

If you had to apologize to an object in your house for how you treat it, which one would it be and why?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 3:1-6. Why do you think John the Baptist begins his ministry with the call to “repent”? What does repentance mean to you? What is the significance of the people confessing their sins and being
    baptized by John? How do you think baptism prepared them for the coming of Jesus?
  2. We receive some added assurance in Romans 2:4 (NLT). What role does God’s kindness play in leading
    people to repentance? How does this differ from repentance motivated by fear or guilt?
  3. Read 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 (NLT). How does this passage show us that repentance is relational? How does
    “godly sorrow” instead of “worldly sorrow” contribute to genuine repentance and transformation?
  4. Exodus 34:12-14 and James 5:16 show different ways of repentance, the Old Testament way and the New
    Testament way. How do they differ? Are there any similarities? Can you find any other places in the Bible
    where repentance is the focus? Compare and contrast these additional passages.

Life Application

  1. Just as John the Baptist called for repentance in preparation for Jesus, how can you identify areas in your life where you need to repent and seek forgiveness? What practical steps can you take to address these issues and prepare your heart and life for a deeper relationship with Christ?
  2. If you have been baptized, how did that influence your relationship with God? If you have yet to be baptized, what are your thoughts or feelings about this step? What might be holding you back? How could being
    baptized enhance your relationship with God?
  3. Are there specific areas where you need to confess and seek prayer support from others? Small group is a
    safe place to do this. End your group time in prayer together, lifting up each other’s needs and asking for
    God’s strength, healing, and guidance to make the way for what He has next for you personally, for your
    small group, and for His church.