
September 29, 2024

Big Idea

To prepare the way for King Jesus, we must prioritize his Kingdom.


Matthew 3:1-3, Matthew 6:33 & 9-10, John 6:38-39, and Colossians 3:1-5


In our current series, we are preparing as individuals and as a church for a new and greater work that God
wants to do in us and through us.

Opening Question

If you could create your own kingdom, what would it be called, and what would be the first law or tradition that
you would implement?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Matthew 3:1-3. What do you think John the Baptist meant when he called out from the wilderness,
    “The kingdom of heaven has come near”? How do you think the political and social context of that time
    influenced his message about the “kingdom of heaven”? How might his audience have understood the idea
    differently than we do today?
  2. How do you think seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness in Matthew 6:33 connects with the
    prayer in Matthew 6:9-10, where Jesus teaches us to pray for God’s kingdom to come? Do you see these
    as complementary actions, and how might they shape a person’s daily life?
  3. Jesus modeled for us what a life lived in the kingdom of God looks like. Read John 6:38-39. How does
    Jesus’ statement about doing the will of God challenge and inspire you in seeking His Kingdom? What
    does this imply about the nature of obedience and submission in our own lives?
  4. Read Colossians 3:1-5. What stands out to you the most in this passage? How do you understand the idea
    that we have “died” with Christ? What does this look like in terms of our old and new identities?

Life Application

  1. In our current political and social climate, it’s easy for us to get fatigued with all the brokenness in the world. How might the Truth that the “kingdom of heaven has come near” in the person of Jesus give you hope and a better perspective in your daily life? How might this Truth help you navigate the challenges you are currently facing?
  2. If you truly sought the kingdom of God and His righteousness before anything else or any other kingdom,
    what would be different in your life? What would stay the same?
  3. What are some practical ways that you can “set your mind on things above”, or God’s kingdom, rather than
    being consumed with earthly desires, or your own kingdom? What earthly desires might you need to “put to
    death” in order to more fully live out your new identity in Christ? End your group time in prayer together,
    asking for God’s help, strength, and perspective to choose His kingdom over your own to make the way for
    what He has next for you personally, for your small group, and for His church.