Include | Sept 9 – 15 , 2018

Series Big Idea

We want to be a community of people who are on mission together so that more and more people accept Jesus’ invitation and find their way back to God.

Message Big Idea

Everyone is included in Jesus’ invitation to find your way back to God.


Luke 14:12-24

Ice Breaker

Have you ever planned a large event? If so, what was it? What was planning it like?

Opening Thought

The church is meant to be a place filled not only with VIPs, but with every type of person, where we are all welcome and beloved. Each person we meet is worthy of love and needs to find the radical inclusivity of the Kingdom of God. Has church been a place of welcome and inclusivity for you in your spiritual journey? If so, how? If not, what was missing?

Bible Discussion

  1. Read Luke 14:12-24, what stood out to you? What struck you?
  2. This parable is an analogy about a banquet and the Kingdom of God, what does it tell us about the Kingdom of God?

Life Application

  1. Read the quote below from NT Wright and discuss its implications for our lives:

“It isn’t enough to say that we ourselves are the people dragged in from the country lanes to our surprise, to enjoy God’s party. That may be true, but party guests are then expected to become party hosts in their turn.”
NT Wright, Luke for Everyone

  1. Compare the NT Wright quote’s observation about becoming hosts with the idea of hosting a banquet like in the parable, what would your banquet look like? Who are the outcasts or excluded in your area that need an invitation?
  2. Why would you want to invite someone to church? What are you hoping they experience?
  3. What does it mean to you to be included and loved? What actions or feelings help you feel that way? How can we become that?
  4. What’s holding you back from asking your “Five” to church and/or small group?


Make a commitment to come to church for six weeks in a row, to be intentional and present. Then commit to praying for every seat to be filled with someone who needs to hear God speaking to them! Pray for your commitment and for opportunities to help fill each seat with someone who needs the same thing you found here – love and acceptance.