The Way of Our Finances

July 28, 2024

Big Idea

When it comes to finances, the way of wisdom leads to contentment, while the ways of foolishness lead to dissatisfaction.


Proverbs 10:22; Proverbs 11:24-25; Proverbs 14:31; Proverbs 22:9; and Proverbs 18:11


Our current four-week series will explore the way of wisdom through the book of Proverbs, which is most typically associated with wisdom in the Bible.

Opening Questions

Did you take the 7-day challenge from last week’s guide? If so, did you hold criticism or extend affirmations to someone in your life for those 7 days? What was the result?

What’s the most unusual gift you ever received? Do you still have it? Do you prefer receiving practical gifts or sentimental ones?

Bible Discussion

1. Read Proverbs 10:22. How do you define wealth in the context of this passage? Do you think it only refers to material wealth, or could it include other forms of blessings? Do you think this implies that wealth should come easily if it’s a blessing from the Lord?

2. Proverbs 11:24-25 tells us what happens when we give freely. How does this passage influence your understanding of God’s economy versus the world’s economy? Why do you think generosity leads to prosperity?

3. Proverbs 14:31 and Proverbs 22:9 speak further about generosity. How does this inspire and encourage you today? How does this challenge you?

4. Read Proverbs 18:11. Why do you think people might see wealth as a form of security or protection? What does it mean that they “imagine a wall too high to scale”? How might this be an illusion?

Life Application

5. Have you experienced or witnessed examples of wealth or blessings that seemed to come without painful toil? If so, how did this impact you and your faith?

6. Can you share an experience where you felt refreshed by helping or giving to someone else?

7. Have you ever relied on material wealth for security? How did that affect you, your decisions, and your faith? End in prayer, asking God for His perspective on your security and thanking Him for the good gifts He has given you.