What Do Christians Really Believe?
Week 2 | About Sin?
Oct 10 – Oct 16, 2021
Big Idea
We believe that sin is what fractures our relationship with God, each other, and the world, but God never gives up on his dream of a Kingdom community.
Opening Questions
- Share with the group what do you think is the most fascinating creature and why?
- Shalom, as described by Cornelius Plantinga, “is the way things ought to be.” Describe a time in your life where everything seemed the way things ought to be. It could be a sacred moment during prayer or a special day like a wedding or the birth of a baby.
Bible Discussion
- As a group, have someone read out loud Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31. You might take turns reading 2-3 different versions. (MSG, NIV, KJV) What do you notice about these different versions? What is different, and what is similar?
- God describes what he has made as “good.” Why is it important that we remember that God created and called us good? How does that make you feel that God has called his creation very good?
- Cornelius Plantinga says Shalom is “as the way things ought to be’? Plantinga also gives a helpful definition of sin, saying, “Sin is the culpable disruption of shalom.” What do you think of that statement? In your own words, how would you describe sin?
Life Application
- How have you seen “personal sin” and “communal sin” play out in our world today? What impact has it had on you and others?
- Read 1John 1:9 and James 5:16. What are these passages saying about confession?
- For centuries the church has practiced confession to help us face the reality of Personal and Communal sin. In confession, we ask God to search our hearts and then be honest about the ways we have fallen short. What has been your experience with confession? Maybe in a faith tradition or counselor?
- God forgives and heals us through confession. Use the next 10 minutes of your small group time by providing time for prayer and confession. Play a worship song and ask people to review their lives and confess sin to God and receive forgiveness from him. Then take some additional time to contemplate any communal sin we may be knowingly or unknowingly participate in, confess in your heart to God and receive forgiveness.
- Debrief the time of confession you just experienced as a group. What was that like for you? Is there anything anyone would like to share? Finish your group time by receiving communion. Remind one another that the bread and wine (or juice) is the body and blood of Jesus broken and shed for us. Thank God for his forgiveness and grace.