Why Church?
Part 4 | What is the Mission of the Church?
May 7, 2023
Big Idea
God created the church to carry out his mission in the world.
Luke 19:1-10; Luke 4:18-19; 2 Timothy 2:2; John 20:21-22
Opening Questions
- How have you been able to B.L.E.S.S. others recently?
- If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The mission of Jesus is for everyone, not just professional church leaders. Let’s look at a few Scriptures that help define the mission of Jesus and a few practical ways we can all live that out.
Bible Discussion
- Read Luke 19:1-10. In what ways do you see Jesus Reaching out to Zacchaeus?
- Read Luke 4:18-19. What stands out to you as Jesus reads this passage from the Hebrew Bible that describes God restoring others?
- Read 2 Timothy 2:2. In what ways do you see the reproducing of disciples of Jesus and leaders?
Life Application
- Read John 20:21-22. Jesus sends us into the world to accomplish Jesus’ mission. How challenging is it for you to think of yourself as “sent” into the world for mission?
- One simple and strategic way we can be “on mission” is to live out the B.L.E.S.S. practices. Whom could you bless? How could we refresh our efforts to B.L.E.S.S. others individually and as a group? (B.L.E.S.S.= Begin with Prayer, Listen, Eat, Serve, Story)
- Another way your small group can engage in the mission of our church is to work with Community Cares. In what ways does your location or expression engage in restoration work? If you don’t know, who can you ask to find out? You can check out the Community Cares page and find an event to attend. You could also sign up for our upcoming Summer Serve event as a group. (communitychristian.org/summerserve) You can find all info about Community Cares at communitychristian.org/cares
- The mission of the Church will move forward when we take the next steps toward investing in others. Is there a way you’d like to invest in others by working with students, adults, or kids? Maybe God is calling you to start a MicroChurch? Is there someone at home or work who would benefit from your investment in them?