The Mark of a Growing Christ-follower is Love.
During this 5 week series, based on the book Emotionally Healthy Relationships by Peter and Geri Scazzero, we’ll learn five relational skills that can help us grow as Christ-followers who are learning to love God and love people more fully.
Weekly Big Idea
June 28, 2020 | Week 1 | Clarify Expectations
Big Idea: To have emotionally healthy relationships, stop mind-reading and clarify expectations by talking to people–in person instead of in your head.
July 5, 2020 | Week 2 | Become Self Aware
Big Idea: To have emotionally healthy relationships, stop mind-reading and clarify expectations by talking to people–in person instead of in your head.
July 12, 2020 | Week 3 | Listen Incarnationally
Big Idea: To have emotionally healthy relationships, listen with empathy to the words and nonverbal communication of others.
July 19, 2020 | Week 4 | Live Your True Self
Big Idea: To have emotionally healthy relationships, understand and own your thoughts and feelings so you can live your true self.
July 26, 2020 | Week 5 | Fight Cleanly
Big Idea: To have emotionally healthy relationships, eliminate “dirty fighting” tactics and fight cleanly for the sake of the relationship.