

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Are our habits helping us grow as disciples of Jesus? This 5-week sermon series aims to help us reexamine their daily habits as we return to routines after a busy Summer.

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In-person services 

Online Sundays: 7:30a, 9a, & 10:30a (CT) or watch on-demand

Series Media and Guides

Video content is not live until the Sunday of the message


Week 1 | August 11, 2024

The Power of Habits

As we dive into this new series, we take a moment to imagine adopting a set of shared habits around ordinary moments of our day that can help us stay connected to God and grow as a follower of Jesus.


Week 2 | August 18, 2024


Waking habits can help us start each day grounded in our connection with God.


Week 3 | August 25, 2024


Mealtime habits are the center of our relationships, which we can use to deepen belonging and to intentionally bless others. 


Week 4 | September 1, 2024


When it comes to screentime habits, limits keep us from being enslaved by our phones so that the Holy Spirit can grow fruit in our lives.


Week 5 | September 8, 2024


Bedtime habits can help us end the day in a way that promotes rest, reflection, and connection.