In the Book of John, Jesus reveals his identity through a series of “I AM” statements. “I AM” is the name God gives himself in the Old Testament (Exodus 3:13-15), and when Jesus makes his “I AM” statements, he is making a claim about his identity. Our deepest longings are found in Jesus. This series will help you come to know Jesus in a new and deeper way, and through him find the flourishing life he came to bring
I AM the Bread of Life
Jesus is the answer to our deepest hunger. He is the bread of life.
I AM the Good Shepherd
Jesus is the answer to our need for intimacy with God. He is the Good Shepherd.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
Jesus is the answer to our need for hope. He is the resurrection and the life.
I AM the Way
Jesus is the answer to which path we should follow. He is the way.
I AM the Vine
Jesus is the answer to longing for a purposeful life. He is the vine and we are the branches.