
Community Growers

Primary Motivation: Being a Part of a Community

As a Community Grower, you have a holistic view of generosity. You believe the mission requires everyone to pull together and do their part in a variety of ways. To a Community Builder, giving of one’s time and talents is just as important as giving financially. You often are the first person to sign up for a volunteer need and typically serve faithfully on a ministry team. You do give financially because you know it is important to do “your part,” but admittedly, you sometimes get frustrated when conversations about generosity are focused more on finances because you like to champion the other aspects of generosity as well.

Community Growers Encouragement

Biblical Example

The Israelite community bands together to build the Tabernacle (Exodus 36:1-7). The people brought offerings morning after morning and the skilled workers contributed their time and talents and pretty soon they had more than they needed to carry out the work of the Lord!

Key Verse

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” – Ephesians 4:16

Maximize Your Strength

Continue to lead the way in modeling holistic generosity for our community!

Generosity Research Findings

Financial – Community Growers do give financially, but the majority worry the church will ask them to give more than they are comfortable with.

Serving – Community Growers serve faithfully with their time, many taking on the responsibility of leadership.

Relational – Community Growers are by far the highest on relational impact. They live out the B.L.E.S.S. practices and are personally involved in helping people find their way back to God.

Shadow Side
The Community Grower's shadow side could be described as "Frustration." Because you have a holistic view of generosity, you tend to get frustrated when conversations about generosity focus on financial generosity. Remember, conversations about financial generosity don't diminish other forms of generosity, but are necessary to break the powerful stronghold that money has in our lives. In fact, Jesus talked about money and wealth often. You long to see the whole community grow, and these conversations are critical to that growth.
Growth Challenge
Recognize that conversations about financial generosity don't diminish other forms of generosity, but are necessary to break the powerful stronghold that money has in our lives. Jesus talked about money and wealth often, so welcome these conversations personally and corporately as important to the growth of the community.
Challenge Verse
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

Community Growers Icon

Motivated by being a part of a community. The linked hexagons form a larger hexagon, representing every individual shape. This is essential for building up the main body, which is the community.