Genetically Generous Survey

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Money Canvas

Money Canvas combines friendly coaches with eye-opening visuals to help you see where your money goes and discover the motivation to spend and save more mindfully. These coaching sessions are free of charge with absolutely no commitment beyond that and they work together to help you feel more confident and in control of your money.

Debt Reduction

Debt Snowball Explanation (LINK)

Debt Snowball Worksheet (LINK)

Debt Payoff Calculator (LINK)

Debt Reduction Tool: Unbury Me (LINK)


EveryDollar Budgeting App (LINK)

Quickstart Budget Worksheets (LINK)

Credit Karma Budgeting App (LINK)

Quicken App (LINK)


Recommended Reading

Master Your Money: A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment by Ron Blue (LINK)

The ABCs of Financial Freedom by Barry L. Cameron (LINK)